Mathematics / Year 6 / Number and Algebra / Fractions and decimals

Curriculum content descriptions

Make connections between equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages (ACMNA131)

  • connecting fractions, decimals and percentages as different representations of the same number, moving fluently between representations and choosing the appropriate one for the problem being solved
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms

Percentages,  Decimals,  Equivalent fractions


Connecting fractions, decimals and percentages

This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses the connections between fractions, decimals and percentages from the Australian Curriculum for year 6 students. It contains material on the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages and helps students understand that although there are ...


Percentage discounts

This is a website designed for both teachers and students that refers to making connections between percentages, decimals and fractions, as well as calculating percentages and percentage discounts from the Australian Curriculum for year 6 students. It contains material on calculating percentages of an amount and calculating ...


Sites2See – number for primary

Selected links to a range of interactive online resources for the study of number in Foundation to Year 6 Mathematics.


Fraction basics - Easy & Effective Fractions Tutor - iTunes app

Learn about the core concepts of fractions through 12 animated clips. View the clips on the topic that you want to learn about. These clips will help build a string foundation in fractions. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.


Equivalent fractions pointer

This is an interactive resource about fractions. It presents students with a fraction and its equivalent visual representations as both the shaded portion of a shape and as the location on a number line. Students are also presented with two other empty shapes, and are required to divide each blank shape into equal portions ...


Playground percentages

Help a town planner to design two site plans for a school. Assign regions on a 10x10 grid for different uses such as a playground, canteen, car park or lawn. Calculate the percentage of the total site used for each region. Use a number line to display fractions and equivalent fractions.


Wishball: hundredths

Test your understanding of decimal place value with numbers that include hundredths. Receive a starting number, such as 46.87, and work towards turning it into a target number, such as 85.32. Spin a random digit, choose its decimal place value and decide whether to add or subtract the random digit from your starting number. ...


Fish market: explore trading

Buy and sell fish in trading markets in a range of Australian and New Zealand cities. Compare market prices, supply and demand. Explore a range of traders to find the best deals and open up new markets. Find a rare fish. Maximise your profit and reputation as a smart trader. This learning object is the first in a series ...


Cassowary ecology quiz

Explore facts about the life of cassowaries: physical characteristics; diet; habitat; life cycles; and locations. Interact with graphs to see how much people can help cassowaries. Work through ecology notes and resources. Answer questions as you go; express your answers as fractions. This learning object is one in a series ...


The foul food maker: go figure

This tutorial is suitable for use with a screen reader. It explains how the use of simple words can describe the likelihood of everyday events. How likely is an event: certain, likely, equal chance, unlikely or certainly not? Answer some questions using these words and then build your own examples. Learn how to describe ...


Fraction fiddle: hit the apple

Help an archer to hit an apple with his arrow. Build two fractions to make a total of one whole. Complete the numerators of both fractions (they may have fixed denominators). For example, work out how many quarters and how many eighths can be added together to total one whole. Look at fraction bars and a number line to ...



This is a website designed for teachers and students in year 5, and addresses components of the working with decimals topic. It is particularly relevant for comparison, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with decimals. There are pages for both teachers and students. The student pages contain interactive ...


Ordering Decimals

An animated tutorial about ordering numbers with up to 3 decimal places. An interactive quiz is included.


The Numberline

An interactive tool that can help students explore a number line, including points representing integers, fractions and decimals



This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses components of the arithmetic of fractions. It is particularly relevant for comparison and addition and subtraction of fractions with related denominators. It also contains material on finding a fraction of a quantity where the result is a whole number. ...


Summing Decimals

An interactive resource in which students learn how to add and subtract numbers that have up to two decimal places.


MoneySmart: helping out

This is an activity about making choices to raise money for imaginary animals called gumbutangs. Their habitat is being eradicated and something must be done to save them. The user's first choice is between two websites, one a trusted one, the other a scam site. Then they are given choices about how to raise money for the ...